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Children of the gods - Irina Ritter

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We’ll pay how many it is necessary-supported by her friend.

– I’ll take charge, if only the girl will find with my help, ' replied a woman. – When can we go?

– Yes, even now! – jumped up from his chair Luba. – Nadia’s mother is now at home, she watches arrived. The phone we have. Drive up to the house and call. All tell her, I think she now at any straw should grasp. What it’s hard thing to give? Even go will not need you to her home coming!

Inspired by this idea, girl with witch-Svetlana went back to the city to Timofeev home.

On reaching home Timofeev, Luba got out of his car and dialed Margaret. Lena and Svetlana was left to sit in the cabin. Soon, the phone came a female voice:

Yeah, I’m listening…

– Hello, may I speak with Margaret, the mother of Nadia? This is very important!

– This I what you wanted? slightly irritated as it seemed to Luba, replied the voice on the phone.

– We’re looking for your daughter. There is a woman that can show where to look for Nadia, she’s the only one you need to talk to you and her to have some Nadenken thing. Then it will be able to pinpoint the location. We are now at the gate of your house can look. This woman with us. Please come and talk to her. It is possible that it will help to find your daughter.

I don’t believe any psychics! Stop going for all sorts of wise old women and fortune-tellers! I will not talk with all sorts of charlatans! the woman cried.

Lyuba was taken aback by this turn of Affairs, but deciding that the woman simply tired of constant phone calls, from increased attention at the family, gathering her courage, said:

– Well, then, let us Nadine thing. Thing will help this woman to see the place where to look for your daughter. We’ll go and check the place out.

– I will not give you! – shouting, the woman hung up.

Few stood in confusion and annoyance, she sat back into the interior of the car:

– I in shock! – she said, drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair.

– What happened? almost simultaneously asked Lena with Svetlana.

– She refused to go out to talk to us and even the thing does not want to give!

– Why? – surprised Lubin girlfriend.

– Said he did not believe any psychics, and even told us to stop walking by all sorts of wise old women and fortune-tellers! – artistically mocked Margaret Luba.

Svetlana leaned back in the seat, lost the sight in themselves. The girls sat frustrated from what happened – after all, they hoped that she would show them the place where to look for the girl. They just didn’t expect such a reaction of the mother. It seemed that in her best interest to consider all options, trying to find her daughter. The people themselves came to her, demand nothing in return. Why she behave like this? Rousing himself from his thoughts as from his obsession, Svetlana said as if it was talking to itself:

– I thought so… Yeah, it is…

Chapter 8

Tatiana Petrovna now the third hour of rummaging through mountains of trash on the side of a ravine that went down to the river. The locals dumped here all that was not needed. There were old Soviet refrigerators, broken washing machines and rusted, the mountain of rags and old shoes, glass jars broken, rotten boards, unwanted Newspapers, magazines and old books, broken children’s toys and even the chassis of the car “LADA”. She’s a big thick stick dug into the debris, trying to find something similar to Nadina’s things that were specified in the guidance. Suddenly she noticed a small ashes. Seen here, something burned. From the ashes protruded from the sleeve of white fabric. Tatiana tugged at the sleeve – it was half-burned children’s blouse. The woman looked at the blouse and noticed in the gate area two maroon spots. Tatiana sat on the ground next to the ashes – heart pounding as if ready to jump out of my chest. A little after sitting and recovering, the woman decided that it is necessary first to show a find to the girls-volunteers, with whom she had recently met together to decide what to do next.

She called Luba Sitnikova and detailing the place where he was, waited. The girls arrived about fifteen minutes later. They looked at the blouse and the place of discovery, and about an hour spent on the study of debris within a few meters from the ashes. Finding nothing interesting, we decided that we need to show blouse girl’s mother:

– Even to go to it you want to do after yesterday! – resentfully said Luba.

– What happened yesterday? – was surprised Tatyana Petrovna.

– Yesterday we spent the whole day with Lena, to find and bring to her the woman-the psychic. Went to Baba Luce, and then into the next village to the Svetlana. She can see by the pictures -if someone is alive and what happened to him. Svetlana said that she needs to talk with her mother Nadia or take her thing, to see the place where the girl need to look. We brought straight home to Svetlana Timofeeva, but Margaret even leave us abandoned! said Lyuba.

– What the psychic told you about Nadia? Dead or alive?

Said that the girl is dead – died the day of loss. And another said that the guilty man from the environment of the family. We wanted to talk with her mother, but she yelled at me on the phone and said that we did not go on all sorts of wise old women.

– I wonder why the mother refused the help? – Tatyana Petrovna was taken aback by such news. Is it because she needs to find her daughter or I don’t understand something? But if it really is someone of your friends?

The mother is very strange behavior…From the beginning.

– Let’s go to their house and show blouse relatives. Look – identify or not. And then we’ll take it to the police. – invited Lena.

“I agree,” replied her friend.

Fifteen minutes later the three of them stood at the gate Nadinola home. After exchanging greetings with all, and knew why her the guests have arrived, Margarita has invited women to come into the house. Tatiana Petrovna gave she found the blouse and told how and where it is found. The girl’s mother carefully examined the thing and negatively shook his head.

No, Nadia was not like this blouse. It’s not her.

– Are you sure? disappointedly asked Tatiana.

Yes, this blouse is not my daughter.

– I think we need to take a blouse to the police, just in case. It stains similar to blood and tried to burn. – taking discovery from the hands of Marguerite and folding it in a package, said Luba.

– What’s your name? – asked Margarita to Tatyana Petrovna. – I think that I saw somewhere.

– Tatyana Petrovna Berezikov! I live near here, two streets from you! We met several times, simply were not familiar. I’m looking for a Producer, every day. I live with my mom – take care of her, it hurts me and gets up from the bed. Make her feed and on the search!

– Well, now we know. Thank you for helping to find my daughter, – tells Tatyana Petrovna Margarita.

If I find or know what I’m gonna call you, okay? Let’s work together to find Nadia. I have a car, so if where we should go, maybe in the next village or somewhere else, then you do not hesitate to ask. Sit down and let’s go! The main thing is to find your daughter!

Guests said goodbye and left the house. Tatiana beamed with pride from its significance. Margarita she liked, and she was ready now to move mountains for her.

I’ll call the police by dialing a number on mobile said Luba.

– Wait, I have the phone number of the investigator who runs this business, -stopped her Lena, and began to search in his phone number. – I found it, write!

Lyuba dialed the number the investigator and waited.

– The investigator of Prosecutor’s office Vyacheslav Lobov, listen to you! – answered at the other end of the phone

– Hello! We’re volunteers. We are looking for Nadia Timofeev. Today we accidentally found half-burned children’s blouse. Close to the river in the ravine, someone tried to burn. There is a local junkyard. The blouse has stains similar to blood. We showed Mama Nadi, but the blouse she didn’t identify. What do we do? – asked Luba at Lobau.

– Tell us exactly where you are. We’re moving – you see the place and to remove your blouse for the examination.

– We are now at the house Timofeev. Let’s meet and then go together to the place, okay?

– Well, wait, we’re moving!

After about half an hour to the house a car drove up Timofeev Prosecutor’s office. From it came a man of about forty, small in stature, full with big brown eyes, dark, already graying hair and large aquiline nose. Was dressed in a simple dark gray suit, gray tie, beige shirt and black shoes. Under his arm he had a black leather briefcase:

Investigator Lobov! – reaching out to Tatyana Petrovna, the man said.

– Tatyana Petrovna Berezikov!

The investigator in turn said Hello to Anyone and Lena.

– Well, show what you found!

– Here, look, Luba pulled the blouse out of the package, then handed it to Lobau.

The investigator carefully examined the blouse and folded back in the bag, ordered to go to the place where she was found.

On the spot ashes around him and worked the investigation team: they were looking for something, collected in bags, about something talked. Tatiana and the girls stood back. When finished, Lobov went to their company and asked:

– So, you say that the mother didn’t identify thing?

– No, said that this is not the Nadina blouse. – said Tatiana Petrovna.

We still, just in case, will ship for examination – you never know. You have my phone – if anything, you can call us! – said goodbye man.

Thank you! Be sure to call! almost simultaneously all three of them replied.

Chapter 9

Returning home, Tatiana took off his shoes and sank wearily into a chair. “Another day wasted” – she thought disappointedly. – “Where can we find it? Where? Where could she be?”

– Well, Tanya, Nadya did not find? asked her room Vera Ilyinishna.

– No, they haven’t found.

Bad business, bad…

Night, feeding and laying to sleep the Vera Ilinichna, Tatiana went to Classmates to the search for Nadia. It has become a habit. As soon as they had a free moment she came to the group to read comments and news. Controversy, it seemed. did not stop for a minute. The great length of our country for all time zones and the participation of people from abroad created a feeling that the people just live here. This time, like every night, the group was broadcasting Savchenko. He called the address to which you want to find the girl:

– The offender is present among the volunteers, – assured Michael that he constantly moves and knows where we searched, and no where else. He’s got everything under control. It helps in search and tries to lead in the wrong direction. I gave you the address – and take a look.

– We’ve been looking for, ' answered the girl under the name Music of the Wind – there’s nothing there.

Were you looking for in the house, why did you go in? I told you that you need to look at the house. I have to go with dogs – you will not find. Send me photos of the city – and I know I can specify a place.

Tatiana decided to enter into discussions with Michael, thinking that nothing to lose – if he will really help find the child:

– Listen, Misha, I go every day to the search, I have a car, tell me what place you want to take pictures. We girls will make photos and send you. Or maybe better make a video?

– I have already said – it’s Nadia from home within five minute walk, from the bridge over the river. There all so cleverly hidden that the one who knows – this place will not find. The girl in the water is. It turned black and stretched out. He made it tonight in the dark. Now you will not find – he will perepryatat. The criminal is always on the move. I told her mother, but she doesn’t listen to me.

– Okay, tomorrow we shoot a video and send you the video.

– I’ll wait!

– I think that it is not necessary here to write the address. It’s better in PM, if anyone should. Because whoever did this probably all reads and will be able to prepare to move the body. – suggested one of the participants of the forum.

– Do not even doubt that he’s reading! He tries to be aware of everything! – continued the other.

– We still don’t know who the perpetrator is. Even if in a personal writing. What if he pretends to be a volunteer and sniffing out information? So it’s not going to help. – concluded third.

– I heard from the locals that yesterday and today I collected DNA samples from all men living far from home, Timofeev. And also all ex-prisoners and the mentally ill. Has anyone heard anything about this? asked the woman under the name Ariadne.

– Yes, it’s true. To us yesterday came from the police and took DNA samples. We live on the same street Timofeevym. Took all the men in the house. – confirmed the other participant groups.

– And take these samples? asked her Ariadne.

– Give a stick wrapped with cotton wool and you need it to drive on the reverse side of the cheeks. Then all the samples are put in separate jars and sign.

– It is clear. Thank you.

A few days Luba, Lena, and Tatiana Petrovna were engaged in shooting video. They went around and tried not to miss anything. When the video was ready, Luba sent it to Mikhail Savchenko. Left to wait, when he will scan and show you the place where you have to look for the girl. All this time the search did not stop. About a week later, Michael showed up and pointed out the place on video where to find. Lena took a friend’s dog and together they went in search of: looked through literally every square meter on a few times, climbed all the bushes, but nothing was found. Spent a lot of time and effort. After several days of fruitless Tatiana Petrovna angry and tired went online on the group page:

– You’re a fucking quack! – he turned to the Archangel Michael, we girls spent a lot of time on your nonsense! We were shooting video for you – you promised that will show place!

– I showed you the place! – began to defend myself a psychic.

– Yes there we all rummaged – there’s nothing there! We dog walked. Looking for a few days! And you’re just on someone else’s grief want to earn popularity! Chase people to check out your nonsense!

– So badly needed! – did not calm down Michael.

I know from friends in the police about you! Have someone check you out!

– I already checked in Tomsk! Nothing on me! And then the apology requested. I work with the UK.

– What do the police still not found the girl, if you are working with the UK?

– I said everything! I have a place – look!

– Quack! God will punish you for what you people around by the nose lead! You can’t wear the crown on this matter!

– You are not a search engine – you just grandma, and I want the search engines!

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